art & project news
Exhibition: Comma
Mon 29th Sep, 2008 Art exhibitions
Comma is an exploration into the continuation and repetitive nature ofthought and physical process within our lives, bridging gaps betweendifferences and making connections through communication and art.Every year Whitecliffe College requires Year 3 Bachelor of Fine artstudents (in all majors) to complete an internship or an exhibition(Fine Art) to advance to the next year. Although it may sound harsh tostudent ears, those who are smart will understand that it is anexcellent idea to push students into gaining experiences in this field.From sponsorship hunting, proposals, networking and writing reports;this assignments makes them do it all.
Taking place on Mondaythe 6th of October @ 5:30pm, will be the opening to the COMMAexhibition. Organised by two Year 3 students with the assistance ofboth Year 2 and Year 4 undergraduates, this exhibition will presentworks from Graphic Designers, Photographers and Fine Artists.
Donot under estimate these students, working along side these youngartist has given me a clear indication of the dedication and love fortheir profession. In this exhibition I will be among the Sevenfeatured, expect to see video works, painting and installations.
Featured artists:
- Byung Hyun Ryoo
- Hara Kang
- Joon Seok Yoon
- Masumi Arita
- Nuri Kim
- Rachel Kang
- Sin-Mae Chung
Held at Whitecliffe College's Randolph street studios:
26 Randolph street,
From: 6th - 16th October
Opening Night: Monday 6th Oct, 5.30pm-7pm
This event is Sponsored by:
Art&Design Institute
Eun Kee Kim food services
Venue proudly supported by: Whitecliffe College of Art and Design
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