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Linzi Stoppard Artist - Linzi Stoppard




London, United Kingdom




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Mrs Stoppard’s movie role
Tue 12th Apr, 2011

Linzi and fellow rock violinist Ben Lee together they form the group Fuse so impressed American producer Dominick Fairbanks, grandson of Hollywood legend Douglas Fairbanks Jnr, when they appeared at a charity concert in London last year that he has asked them to perform in the movies opening sequence and compose a score.

Read more as reports in the Daily Mail...


About Linzi Stoppard

Linzi stoppard is one half of electric violin duo - FUSE. She pushes the boundaries of musical convention with her passionate, live sets of rock, chill, dance and contemporary melodies. Linzi has transfixed audiences the world over with mesmerising performances. Musical influences from The Stones to Cafe del Mar are evident in Linzi's music.

Contact Information

aim: Linzi Stoppard

More about Linzi Stoppard

Occupation: Rock Violinist

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Electric Violin... the latest sexy instrument!!
Tags : electric violin sexy instrument music
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 400799 Benjamin Wirtz
Sat 8th Mar, 2008
that is cool. I haven't seen a violin quite like it but it looks really cool.
Image 546360 Emma Hicks
Mon 26th Nov, 2007
i wish i could play! nice work!
Image 1001190 shahtoosh
Wed 14th Nov, 2007
: )
Image 559215 Daniel Alekow
Wed 31st Oct, 2007
a violin is such a lovely instrument. heh, I originally wanted to learn to play the violin, but then ended up learning piano instead :D still, I love to play together with violonists, it's cool that you tributed that instrument!
Image 485655 Isaac Wirtz
Mon 29th Oct, 2007
Cool violin, I have one somewhere, but its really old and made of wood. I think its missing its strings too.
Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Mon 24th Sep, 2007
It really does look cool. Beautiful color, too, I saw a blue one once, but purple is sexy. Nicely done!
Image 592855 Eedwin
Thu 6th Sep, 2007
oh, I would so like to hear you sing! yes, violins r sexy ;)
Image 440736 Anonymous
Sat 1st Sep, 2007
The sexiest instrument of them all. ;]
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