Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Emma Hicks




epping, sydney, Australia




7 View gallery

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About Emma Hicks

I am a graphic designer in sydney. I think this a great project for a good cause and I hope everyone contributes.

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my life fits into 60 boxes

inspired by the chaos that is moving house
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1004623 Ruth Ciara
Sat 12th Dec, 2009
What a great idea, how original! Xxx
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Wed 4th Feb, 2009
I think you have summed it up brilliantly. I hate moving house!
Image 407201 Peno Mishoyan
Sat 24th May, 2008
when i look at this i just receive messages! +1
Image 568748 Dayna Sadoff
Mon 21st Apr, 2008
there is a really nice sence of visual depth- very cool
Image 1000385 Jeanne Krebbeks
Thu 27th Mar, 2008
Nice individualism to your it...thanks for comment....Peace...Jeanne
Image 519184 Rosa Campbell
Sat 22nd Mar, 2008
I love your abstract style.
Image 1000782 ivana
Tue 11th Mar, 2008
Hi Emma , I like all yours squares!Its are very original!
Image 562480 Mitico Meschino
Mon 10th Mar, 2008
Hi've got a very interesting gallery...many compliments...bye bye...
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