Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

Artist Name

Benjamin Wirtz Artist - Benjamin Wirtz




Los Angeles, United States




4 View gallery

My links

Don't have one.

About Benjamin Wirtz

I like to draw. I will leave you a comment if you leave me one or visa versa. If anyone doesn't want their area you could give it to me.

Contact Information

None available.

More about Benjamin Wirtz

Occupation: Student
Personal Quote: Hope for the best but expect the worst

My favourite pictures

Laura Schrampfer
Appleton, US

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1004623 Ruth Ciara
Sat 12th Dec, 2009
I like the roses! Xxx
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Sat 10th May, 2008
sorry I didn't get back to you sooner- I don't know whats going on! Not very helpful I know! I am just assuming they will send a message when they want us to start!
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My neighbourhood

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Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood chatter

Latest bulletin entries from this neighbourhood:

523968 Oh Well.
Wed 3rd Nov, 2010
1000385 BRRRRR
Tue 22nd Jan, 2008
1000385 Merry Christmas
Mon 17th Dec, 2007
523968 Big Collab: Moving along!
Sat 3rd Nov, 2007
523968 Big Collab: Deadline: Friday, November 2nd
Fri 2nd Nov, 2007

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