Million Masterpiece
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S€an Z4ky Artist - S€an Z4ky




al khor, Qatar




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About S€an Z4ky

Hello my name is zaky ^^ i am from Indonesia ,Bontang but i live in Qatar, Al-khor nwo hhehe

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Anime character

Hi my name is zaky my age is 12 i live in Qatar and this is my one of made up anime character that i made heheh. hope u like it :DD im not rlly good at drawin.
Tags : zaky sean rofl lmoa haha lol brer rabbit cartoon disney
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 477601 Jan Kowalewski
Sat 6th Dec, 2008
Image 551212 Maggie Keane
Tue 26th Feb, 2008
Thanks for the comment. Yours is great! Quite a lot of talent and control for an 11 year old. My son is 11 also. He has 2 pictures in the OMM. You also have a very interesting name.
Image 440736 Anonymous
Tue 26th Feb, 2008
Thank you for the nice comment! I love the picture you have here.
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Mon 25th Feb, 2008
Hey thanks for the comment-Your is also really cool!
Image 461668 Anders Andersson
Sun 24th Feb, 2008
Nice bunny....but you have an invitation to draw an intresting face to your neighber below
Image 562480 Mitico Meschino
Sun 24th Feb, 2008
Hei Zaky...i like have a good hand...i hope that you'll finish it soon...thanks for the comment and for your vote...when you finish it i'll vote you...bye bye...
Image 629590 Beverly Johnson
Sun 24th Feb, 2008
Cool!! Thanks for visiting & commenting. I really like your style.
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 23rd Feb, 2008
Thanks for the complement. Your's is cool. -Jason
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