Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Kimberly Li Artist - Kimberly Li




Kernersville , United States




2 View gallery

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About Kimberly Li

I must say, drawing with a mouse isn't easy...i wish i had a tablet or something...haha, painting is more my kind of art. Acrylic and Chinese painting are my favorites. I also love photography, so if you have time, please check out my deviantart profile and some more of my art ^^ PEACE!

Contact Information

None available.

More about Kimberly Li

Interests and Hobbies: ART!, volleyball, art, photography, design, and did i mention art?
Artists: everyone on OMM!!!
Music: anything you can DANCE to!
Movies: Matilda, Littel Miss Sunshine
Books and Writers: Into The Wild, To Kill A Mockingbird, Where The Red Frens Grow, The Great Gatsby

My favourite pictures

Aimee Pepper
Santa Barbara, US

jacksonville , US

April McGuire
Livonia, MI, US

Angeli Arndt
Chicago, US

Joel Pigou
Leicestershire, GB

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Tags : fish chicken dolphin
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 549558 Lilly Duff
Sat 5th Sep, 2009
wow! Thats really good ! ♥
Image 477601 Jan Kowalewski
Fri 5th Dec, 2008
Image 511282 Gerard Mooney
Tue 6th May, 2008
I love Dolphins :) this is so beautiful
Image 607208 S€an Z4ky
Sun 24th Feb, 2008
Image 568748 Dayna Sadoff
Sat 26th Jan, 2008
This was so much fun to watch :-) nice work!
Image 1000597 Ciara
Wed 19th Dec, 2007
I wanna SEE a dolphin now!! AWWww how cute. I like how the texture is smooooth.I like how the eye Sticks out at ya LOVE IT!!
Image 527139 Cat
Fri 14th Dec, 2007
absolutely fantastic pic, really impressed!!
Image 1000901 alex
Wed 12th Dec, 2007
thank you for the comment! yours is also lovely! i love dolphins!
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