Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Mario Mendieta




New York, United States




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The Dreamer

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Mon 8th Oct, 2007
Beautiful, love the copper tones and the dreamy expression.
Image 629638 Marilyn Badthing
Wed 13th Jun, 2007
Hi Mario :) I hope your dreams do come true. Excellent color scheme. I love this, I do.
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Fri 4th May, 2007
This is a nice contribution to the project! -Jason
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Sat 10th Feb, 2007
Wow! Fantastic picture! Love it!
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 29th Jan, 2007
Absolutely beautiful! Great color! :D
Image 600854 Indie Young
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
Fantastic! Beautifully done, I love the colors.
Image 531942 Sin-Mae Chung
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
lovely tones.. and love the colour used for this.. i love browns.. great form very niiiiice :D
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