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Artist Name

Maria Lioemna




Far away, Netherlands




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Beautiful Girl
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1008915 Brittany
Sun 16th Feb, 2014
This is really good. I'm eleven too, and you're sooooo amazing!
Image 501513 Rysa Art
Sun 16th Dec, 2007
wow,pretty cool..:)
Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Thu 27th Sep, 2007
What! 11!?! Oh my, and this is one of the best I have seen! Great job! :D
Image 557615 Karen Walker
Thu 27th Sep, 2007
Amazing work! Absolutely brilliant, and so emotional. I like the transitions made while you made the work, too -- almost tells a story.
Image 440736 Anonymous
Fri 14th Sep, 2007
Wow, and you're just eleven? Amazing! ^_^
Image 523968 Gracie Rafferty
Wed 12th Sep, 2007
Nicely done portrait here!
Image 392852 Joe Bloww
Mon 10th Sep, 2007
11? WOW
Image 536783 Kimberly Li
Wed 8th Aug, 2007
oooh beautiful picture!
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