Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Emily Coombs




Swindon, United Kingdom




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About Emily Coombs

I like pie.

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Big Collab

Apologies to anyone whose coastline I have butchered. :P
Tags : big collaboration project
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 407201 Peno Mishoyan
Mon 9th Feb, 2009
haha liked your comment about the recent world map collaboration thing
Image 1001548 Jo Vickers
Tue 3rd Feb, 2009
This looks so neat and accurate!
Image 407201 Peno Mishoyan
Sun 23rd Nov, 2008
hello neighbor! :) i have some of ur stars in my firework too :)
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Thu 13th Nov, 2008
So pretty. Love your star fireworks:)
Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Sat 7th Jun, 2008
Awesome so far :D
Image 1001548 Jo Vickers
Sat 5th Apr, 2008
I'm intrigued! can't wait to see this finished =)
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Sun 17th Feb, 2008
Brilliantly joined on! Finally Shubnum doesn't look so lonely :)
Image 483998 J West
Sat 16th Feb, 2008
Hiya Emily . . . thanks - looks like the temporary collab is taking form. Cool square . . . v clever linking ;o)
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My neighbourhood

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Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Neighbourhood
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Neighbourhood chatter

Latest bulletin entries from this neighbourhood:

523968 Oh Well.
Wed 3rd Nov, 2010
447218 SocialViBe
Fri 13th Feb, 2009
447218 Youtube Video
Mon 15th Dec, 2008
389604 The Big Collaboration and everything!
Wed 3rd Dec, 2008

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