Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

Broken Doll

Variation of another piece I did in real life of like name. I wanted something simplistic and yet emotionaly painful at the same time. Enjoy ^^
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Thu 26th Apr, 2007
Nice square! -Jason
Image 418428 Christina S.
Mon 2nd Apr, 2007
So sad! Such an emotional piece, great job!!! c:
Image 632780 Bee rizzle Baldwinn
Fri 9th Mar, 2007
i love it.
Image 407180 Qian Zhao
Sat 3rd Mar, 2007
very well done. emotional indeed. Thanks for your comment!
Image 426384 Bruno Laurenzano
Fri 2nd Mar, 2007
Lovely! I must confess I wouldn't have guessed what it was without watching the replay :D I liked it a lot. Simple, mysterious, and sad :(
Image 418421 Ali C
Sat 3rd Feb, 2007
I agree with all the others about this looking like pen and ink. I enjoyed watching how you achieved it too. Very clever.
Image 564073 Inga Pritchard
Thu 1st Feb, 2007
i love how simple it is and how it is so striking
Image 488792 Laura Dixon
Wed 10th Jan, 2007
This is great. Really does look like pen and ink.
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Wed 10th Jan, 2007
beautiful! This truly looks like it was done in pen and ink, right down to the shading of the tear. Amazing work!

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Image 14107Broken Doll (default)
Last updated : Tue 9th Jan, 2007

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