Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
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Artist Name

Sarah Possingham




Renmark, Australia




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About Sarah Possingham

My name's Jaydias (or so I'm called more often than not) and I live in South Australia. Interests include web design, photography, music and guitars ^^.

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The Murray

Through art we can learn so much, the River Murray is located in Aus & is under threat. This shows the Murray flowing plentfully, like it once did, a long time ago.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 28th Apr, 2007
Great! -Jason
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Tue 10th Apr, 2007
nice image and collab! :D
Image 407265 Mark Olson
Tue 3rd Apr, 2007
nice to see you work together!
Image 420047 Anders Andersson
Sun 7th Jan, 2007
very nice you work together with your neighber
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