Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Vsevolod Cannyghin




Dublin, Ireland




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About Vsevolod Cannyghin

I'd prefer to remain mysterious!

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Someone Mysterious

A mysterious dude, very possibly up to something.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Mon 21st May, 2007
Impressive! -Jason
Image 493582 Sam Tilleray
Sat 10th Feb, 2007
Great detail and im likin the way you've got a mesterious creature lurking in the background
Image 413569 Catie Vercammen-Grandjean
Fri 12th Jan, 2007
No doubt about it! He looks el dangeresque! Great angle and expression, by the way :D
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Sun 31st Dec, 2006
hehe - very cute! :)
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