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Artist Name

Andrew Blondin




Windsor, Canada




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Black Bird

I think this is picture represents my brother in a way. He plays the guitar and has that distinct dispostion that makes you want to become friends. I have always looked up to him.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1000631 Marco Gamba
Sun 19th Aug, 2007
Hi Andy!!!+1... Beautiful picture!!!!
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Fri 6th Apr, 2007
This is a nice contribution to the project! -Jason
Image 583185 Sanne Boer
Mon 26th Feb, 2007
very emotional: lovely!
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Tue 6th Feb, 2007
Such a joyful picture! Fabulous!
Image 531942 Sin-Mae Chung
Tue 16th Jan, 2007
hahaha brilliant.. something vibrant and yet.. its monochramatic.. (excluding space monkey) lol. but excellent job.. i really dig the style mate!
Image 568766 Kellen Rice
Fri 12th Jan, 2007
Interesting style and color choices. I really like the overall asethetic of this. :)
Image 501584 Brandon Fish
Fri 12th Jan, 2007
I like Andy!
Image 554448 J Yang
Thu 11th Jan, 2007
This is great, Andy! I like the mood of the picture and the musical staff in the background -- it really brings the bird and the boy together very well. =)
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