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Artist Name

Jesika Callaghan




south australia, Australia




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About Jesika Callaghan

hi, my name is Jes - aka : seratone. i live in south australia. id identify myself as an artist, a lesbian and a pagan.

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New love

being a lesbian has its dark sides and its light side. but what is so often forgottern, its that at the core of it is love, thats what its all about. just like every other relationship
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 424786 Karleen Alvord
Thu 17th May, 2007
Loverly =)
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Wed 4th Apr, 2007
Good one! -Jason
Image 429615 Jenni Hunt
Wed 31st Jan, 2007
beautiful! lovely message and picture!
Image 452068 Teis Hansen
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
great message, and really nice result, i love the added effects to the crosses.
Image 437671 David Gauer
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
Really great use of color!
Image 610432 SprayPaintYeti Its Dustin Gore
Wed 24th Jan, 2007
nice! i really like the message!
Image 424853 Louise Beddow
Mon 22nd Jan, 2007
amazing piece. really strong
Image 515928 Mikal Schaffner
Tue 16th Jan, 2007
i like how you have the shades going from dark to light..or visa-versa. its nice to see so many open minded people.
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