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Lavender Au




Eastcote, United Kingdom




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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Mon 8th Oct, 2007
Do something here stupid. Or I'll never help you with maths again, muah haha...
Image 600736 Lydia Barton
Thu 21st Jun, 2007
...hey lav this is tres exciting, and may i say as a cards lover myself it was v.much enjoyed! as for kirstie and sarah...SHE'S 15 NOW! yay happy bday! lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Sat 2nd Jun, 2007
Oh My Golly Golly Gumdrops, you actually got one!!!! I'm amazed, nigh, astounded! The image really lives up to your artistic potential, haha. Its actually strangely appealing... But Kirstie's right, I can't believe your still only 14.
Image 379953 Zoe Pressler
Wed 30th May, 2007
Image 440790 Kirstie Mok
Wed 23rd May, 2007
~yaaaaay it's lavender!!!!!! i forgot you were 14...i thought this was the wrong person at first hehe!!x
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