My links About Rafael GrilloHeil, my name is Rafael "machinegun" Grillo. I live in the RIO DE JANEIRO. I work with sculptures made with ceramics. My interest for visual arts comes since early and now I only can explore plus some different materials. To make a drawing using "mouse" as tool was an equal experience without pra me. I wait that they like.Contact Informationmsn: machinegun_grillo@gmail.comMore about Rafael GrilloInterests and Hobbies: estudar, pintar, criar, viver sem pensar muito...Artists: Hélio Oiticica, Miró, Lourenço Muttarelli, todos envolvidos tanto na dada qnto no surrealismo... Music: all crust, hard core, noise, tangos e sambas antigos... Books and Writers: Assim falau Zaratrusta- F.H. Nietzche | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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