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Artist Name

Michael Bastianelli




West Point, United States




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Visions of Tokyo
Wed 27th Jun, 2007
There are times when I dream so vividly I can get fooled by what I see. I lack words to describe what I see in these dreams. This mainly because I lack a good vocabulary. Sometimes people will call off how much I sound like a fool just because the way I speak or sometimes write. My writing isn't that half bad.. but I do make some mistakes here and there. Well back to my point.. I'll first describe a dream I had about two years ago. I had just started my 2nd semester of college courses at Rockland and I this dream I was in Tokyo. ------------------------------------------------------ I was near a dock area with some medium sized brick buildings. I kept walking along and went on to a bigger road. It looked like NYC but then I realized my mind then kept telling me I was in Tokyo Japan. I also had a camcorder in my right hand and digital camera around my neck. I looked through my lenses and this Asian woman popped up in front of my lenses and reached her hand toward me. "This woman was with me.." I kept telling myself. Her hair was died with red and purple streaks. She was tugging me into a adult store and laughing. Then I heard screams echoing in my right ear. The woman let go of my arm. She walked out next to me in the street and we both look toward the noise. The noise was getting louder and louder. Then what sounded like a jet flew over our heads. I threw a camera to the woman and she filmed it as it flew over. I was taking pictures with my camera.. Through my lenses I realized it was a missile. Screaming crowds of people ran by us. There was then this loud explosion in the distance. Most of the crowd then stopped and then curled up in fettle positions and laid on the floor. The explosion was huge.. but it was a nuclear weapon. It was something else. My mind kept shouting.. Chemical warfare. The woman began to tug on my arm again and I woke up.

About Michael Bastianelli

I am fairly multi talented.. Photography, Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, Writing, and more. But as an artist I hope I will never be forgotten.. That is my real goal in life. Be it in a evil or good way.. It will happen.

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More about Michael Bastianelli

Occupation: Student - Photography
Interests and Hobbies: Photography, film, film making, game design, painting, drawing, writing.
Artists: Diane Arbus, Salvador Dali
Music: 30 Seconds to Mars, Arcade Fire
Books and Writers: Lewis Carrol, L. Frank Baum, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Personal Quote: "Sometimes I feel my mind is more then one person screaming ideas and visions in my mind. I'm more then 8 different people craving to express themselves to the world."

My favourite pictures

Edwin Galloway
chicago, US

Alex Holt
Kettering, GB

Angeli Arndt
Chicago, US

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Until Judgement Day

I will tip my hat as a generosity.. but be warned, when Judgement Day begins I will get my revenge on those who have marked me in the past. They will watch their golden pedestal of hate crumble..
Tags : end world judgement day revenge hat red
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 412065 Anna "ED" P
Sun 15th Jul, 2007
wow ... this is awesome!
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Sat 30th Jun, 2007
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Wed 27th Jun, 2007
Fabulous piece of artwork!
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Fri 4th May, 2007
Image 551212 Maggie Keane
Sat 17th Mar, 2007
Something tells me I don't want to get on your bad side!
Image 557626 Alex Holt
Fri 15th Dec, 2006
Wow, very impressive, excellent use of a limited palette.
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
I won't forget you :)
Image 520843 Edwin Galloway
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
Excellent pic!
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