Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Karo Fermanyan




glendale, United States




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About Karo Fermanyan

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More about Karo Fermanyan

Interests and Hobbies: Video games, fast cars, and of course art.
Artists: Me, myself, and that one guy.
Movies: Starwars ep.3, 5, and Hot Fuzz.

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Tags : bee flower lighting sumo wtf eye stuff
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 468024 Joe Gill
Fri 29th Jun, 2007
You say more than many, in far less strokes. Well done!
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Mon 21st May, 2007
This is cool! -Jason
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 19th Feb, 2007
Very cool eye. I like the coloring. :) Nice work!
Image 493582 Sam Tilleray
Sat 10th Feb, 2007
Im lovin this one probaly the best one around our area!
Image 413569 Catie Vercammen-Grandjean
Fri 12th Jan, 2007
It's very liquid and no, not just because of the tears. Lovely...
Image 389601 Matt. Hi.
Sun 31st Dec, 2006
:( makes me sad.
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