Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Sherri Adriano




st augustine beach, United States




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About Sherri Adriano

I am an artist who lives on St Augustine Beach with my boyfriend Kevin, my parrot Sunshine and cat Al. I sell my artwork as a "street artist" in the Plaza De La Constitution in Downtown St Augustine as a member of "Art in the Market".

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 1st Apr, 2007
Wonderful! -Jason
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Tue 6th Feb, 2007
Lovely minimalist picture. really like it would look lovely in my house in a frame.
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Mon 5th Feb, 2007
This was done so quickly - and it's lovely! Very calming.
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Wed 31st Jan, 2007
very nice design! I love your sky color :)
Image 383234 Jojo Popt Art
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
Cool! Nice colors.
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