Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries


He watches over and protects those dreams that come to him in the night.
Tags : night watch maggie stutesman wolf moon
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 483998 J West
Wed 24th Oct, 2007
Owwwwoooooooooo . . . v cool square :D
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 8th Apr, 2007
Nice job! -Jason
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Sun 17th Dec, 2006
I like your moon. Nice work!
Image 437612 Campsoup1988 Campsoup1988
Tue 17th Oct, 2006

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My artwork gallery:

Image 1750Nightwatcher (default)
Last updated : Fri 22nd Sep, 2006

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