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Artist Name

Christy Mustari




Springfield, United States




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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 464861 Justin Ong
Sun 5th Oct, 2008
Gorgeous use of colour and a great portrait to boot. Loving it.
Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Tue 30th Sep, 2008
So realistic and the original photo was a good one too
Image 483994 Julie Teel
Sat 9th Aug, 2008
such great moody lighting ... the hair evolved so nicely .... dug it , dig it ...
Image 562480 Mitico Meschino
Mon 18th Feb, 2008
Hi have a great hand...i like your self-portraits...bye...
Image 570373 Ashley (katanimate)
Thu 7th Feb, 2008
Amazing work! The colors and shading are very realistic and the expression really brings it to life :)
Image 461668 Anders Andersson
Sun 13th Jan, 2008
Fantastic!.. and the reeplay is outstanding.
Image 420047 Anders Andersson
Sun 13th Jan, 2008
Fantastic!.. and the reeplay is outstanding.
Image 464771 Jan Patterson
Fri 4th Jan, 2008
x_x Omg that's so cool to watch how it's made. And... I can't draw faces so you amaze me lol
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