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Arcadia, United States




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Ocean Eye baby

Even though we may be side by side, there are still oceans between us...
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 7th Apr, 2007
Great! -Jason
Image 429615 Jenni Hunt
Wed 31st Jan, 2007
wow thats a great picture!
Image 575222 Coley Ulrich
Thu 18th Jan, 2007
I love those messy lashes. Gorgeous.
Image 587978 Alanna .
Wed 6th Dec, 2006
Image 436008 Jamie Thompson
Fri 13th Oct, 2006
wowzers :O
Image 453628 TJ Sherer
Thu 12th Oct, 2006
Hey, great looking picture!
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