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Artist Name

Stella Wright




United States




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About Stella Wright

When I was a kid I always want to be a doctor, but things changed when you are growing. You learn that things in life are it’s just not easy as it was before. You learn to face tough challenges as we became mature. Life is not easy as just eating lollipops or candies, but in every fall there’s a way to always stand up and pick up the pieces that were broken. We meet a lot of people that will help us endure the pain, make us happy, help us to grow and leave us, as sometimes we cannot understand but goodbyes are not meant that it’s the ending. That’s why the only constant in this world is changes, but be thankful that in every way that we make we learned and facing reality is a part of our life that cannot be changed. I’m just a simple person, I’m a sensitive, you may thought that my life is boring but not really, I just love to read, anything aslong as its interesting, I also love swimming, mountain climbing, I love to eat but I don’t know how to cook, I have a twin brother and I’m still studying. Well this is my life, normal and sometimes wild.

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