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Artist Name

Mary-Anna Welch




United States




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About Mary-Anna Welch

Mary-Anna Welch is an artist from Beavercreek, Ohio. She grew up in the northern suburbs of Chicago, and earned a degree in Art Education from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. After graduating, Mary-Anna taught art in Illinois public and private school systems for over 10 years. A few years later, she went back to her alma mater and earned her MA in Art Education where she met her husband, Gary, while he was stationed at Chanute Air Force Base. He told her that if she would marry him, she would see the world. The opposite proved true; she lived in the Midwest while he was off serving his country in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Mary-Anna and Gary decided to settle in Dayton with their daughter, Stephanie, because of the good schools and the abundance of art opportunities in the area. Mary-Anna experimented with several different mediums for over 20 years, but eventually rediscovered her passion for painting and decided to focus on watercolor. Her work in watercolors has evolved from the very abstract to a more graphic, non-traditional interpretation of her subjects. She now incorporates her oil painting techniques of blending color on the canvas into her watercolor paintings. This results in a blend of traditional colors and images with contemporary styles and forms. When asked about her subject matter, Mary-Anna responds, “I have a black thumb and can’t grow anything but weeds. By painting my garden I always have a rainbow of colors to enjoy, no matter what season.”

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My Flower

A doodle of one of the many flowers I like to paint.
Tags : flower maryanna welch
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