Million Masterpiece
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Sunset Back Home

the Madeline Island Ferry Dock at sunset
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 8th Apr, 2007
Impressive! -Jason
Image 408798 Bob Meddings
Thu 15th Mar, 2007
That's simply lovely
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Wed 14th Mar, 2007
Beautiful and dreamy looking. Lovely use of colour especially the colour in the water.
Image 629590 Beverly Johnson
Sat 24th Feb, 2007
That brings back memories!
Image 500068 Alanna C
Mon 25th Dec, 2006
thats good... BUT FOR A 30!!! YEAR OLD !!!!!! CRAZYYYYYYYY~

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Image 11949Sunset Back Home (default)
Last updated : Sat 16th Dec, 2006

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