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The One Million Masterpiece | Project direction | The black square question

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AuthorThe black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 22-07-2006 12:19
Hi guys, thought I'd start a new thread on the "black square" issue.

OK, so there are two schools of thought regarding empty squares. Initially, squares that were taken immediately appeared white in the viewer. However, we found that a lot of white squares detracted from the ones which had been filled, and the whole image was looking a bit washed-out.

So we changed them to black. I personally think black is better because:

1) The whole picture kind of looks like it's exploded outward
2) You can identify people that haven't even touched their square more easily - meaning we can chase them up, and so can the people around them
3) They make the filled in squares look better

The system we have in place for chasing up people that haven't created an image is to email them reminders, and eventually to re-allocate their square after 60 days if they still remain empty.

What we have found is that most of the black squares are slowly being filled. I think that some people are just a little bit scared about drawing something - remember some of these guys haven't drawn anything in public for 10, 20, 30 years!

Let me have you thoughts guys - this is a collaboration after all and I'll go with popular opinion!

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AuthorRE: Aaaahhhhh . . .
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 08:58
Point taken.

I see where you're coming from now! Although it still seems a 'little' bit o' a shame.

What about making them default midnight blue - maybe, perhaps, could do, eh eh?

Then they still look as if they are part of the background, with the exploding effect - but they have 'some' slight shade differentiation to show that they are also occupied.

A thought . . .


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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 14:35
Hmm, that could be an answer.
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Emma Duncan

Posts: 42
Joined: 16.07.06

Posted on 24-07-2006 18:45
It wouldn't hurt to try colouring them with a dark shaded colour to see the difference it makes.

As for your other suggestion... I've got a few empty squares near me so I think I'll say hello to the owners. smiley
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AuthorRE: The black square question

Posts: 58
Joined: 12.10.06

Posted on 12-10-2006 21:09
how do I send messages ? I swear I saw a link earlier, but now I can't find it .
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 12-10-2006 22:25
There is a "send message to this artist" link on each profile page (or on the mini-profile on the View Picture" page.

Hope that helps...

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AuthorRE: The black square question

Posts: 58
Joined: 12.10.06

Posted on 13-10-2006 08:34
ahh .. Yes thankyou, I have found it now, some people have message person links, and others don't.
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 13-10-2006 08:55
Yes, just to confuse you the under 16's don't have access to the message system - so you wont find a link on their profiles smiley
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AuthorRE: The black square question

Posts: 58
Joined: 12.10.06

Posted on 13-10-2006 09:03
Yes, that makes sense, Thanks Fisher.

Well goodnight everybody, or in this case: morning.
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Laura Dixon

Posts: 119
Joined: 18.07.06

Posted on 16-10-2006 09:01
Dare I raise the black square question again?!

I have 4 squares above me that have all been black since day one. Are the black ones going to be left black on the final picture?

I have tried mailing the square above me and I have previously had a message on my square to the person above me but its not encouraged them to fill it.

I suppose that at the end of the day that person must have made a donation to charity so if they want to leave their square black its not hurting anyone - just makes the picture look a bit sad in places!
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 16-10-2006 09:57
Hi Laura,

I can officially confirm that a deletion engine is being put together right now. This is what will happen:

1) Black squares will be emailed after 7 days of creation. The email will check that everything is OK, and ask the artist to put a message (or something) in their square to avoid it being deleted

2) After 13 days a second email will be sent, warning that some content will be needed otherwise the image will be deleted in 24 hours

3) The image will be deleted and the square will be re-allocated to a new user

Expect to have some new neighbours soon!
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Laura Dixon

Posts: 119
Joined: 18.07.06

Posted on 16-10-2006 10:44
How exciting. I cant wait for my new neighbours!
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 01-11-2006 11:52
It's official - the deletin engine is running. In 14 days old black squares that do not respond to todays email will be deleted. All new members will have 14 days to draw a picture or face deletion.

You have been warned! For the rest of us, look out for your new neighbours soon.
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Alicia Thompson
Super Administrator

Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 01-11-2006 17:14
whee! I can't wait for some of those spaces to be filled.
Will deleted accounts mean a decrease in the number of panels on the site?
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 06-11-2006 08:13
Yes Alicia, unfortunately there will be a drop in the number of registered users. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that people respond to the email and get drawing, otherwise we might be seeing a 1,000 odd fall in the total smiley
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Daniel Burke

Posts: 2
Joined: 23.11.06

Posted on 23-11-2006 09:49
I hate to resurrect dead threads, but I just joined up and I have an idea (well, two)...
1.) Perhaps change the overall background to some neutral tone (like 50% grey). Maybe this is a bad idea...might get a bit washed out
2.) Put an small outline around the boundary of the occupied squares (perhaps just on the PNGs in the map). This would show exacty where the "images" end and blank space starts up. (Did that make sense? Basically, you'd have a "jagged circle" around the whole image.)
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

Posts: 277
Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 23-11-2006 16:34
Hi Daniel, welcome!

Blank images have started being deleted today. The engine will delete 5 black squares per hour and replace them with new members.

Interesting ideas Daniel. I suggest we see how the current system is going to work for a couple of weeks and then revisit the problem and evaluate.
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Diana Barthauer

Posts: 78
Joined: 30.10.06

Posted on 23-11-2006 18:57
Great to hear your starting the deletion. I like Daniel's idea though, however I'm leave the squares black and maybe add a white line or so...
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Kat Nicholson

Posts: 13
Joined: 01.11.06

Posted on 29-11-2006 02:11
Good call on the Blank squares front! I've just sent a message to all the blank square owners who neighbour my little patch... my picture might just be a rubbish doodle at the moment but it's just a holding picture while I decide to draw, and I think that's better than just leaving the square blank! \:]
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AuthorRE: The black square question
Dave Shaw

Posts: 22
Joined: 08.12.06

Posted on 08-12-2006 17:33
Why not give empty squares a very faint star field? ...As if the OMM was exploding in space. Random suggestion.
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