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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Allison Dollar

Posts: 92
Joined: 28.11.06

Posted on 05-02-2007 02:02
Kelley: Woo! Roleplaying! I used to do that way too much. ;P. Of course I only did PBeM though. I had to stop when I got to college though *sigh* It was so much fun though!

Christina: Group project homework?? Doesn't sound that fun. Actually it sounds pretty bad! House Fanart seems pretty fun though. Hot British actors are cool smiley

Sam: What uni do you go to? I want to go there! I'd kill for a full nights sleep, let alone spare time smiley
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...

Posts: 65
Joined: 20.11.06

Posted on 05-02-2007 20:09
Allison: Isn't roleplaying great? It's the ultimate timewaster, only you can pretend that you're learning from it if you do text RPGs. "It hones my... writing and acting skills. Yeah!" Perfect excuse. smiley
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Aunty Mor

Posts: 294
Joined: 28.12.06

Posted on 07-02-2007 14:41
What takes up all my time? Where to begin; Work tho you can't really call it work, more a passion I get paid for. College, yes even at my age there is more to learn. Taxi service, most of you have this to look forward to in the future. You have the kids and no one tells you that you will spend their teenage years taking and picking them up from whatever party,event or sports fixture they need to be at. The list goes on and on but I don't have time to tell cos I am too busy!!!! smiley
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Sam Law

Posts: 21
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 07-02-2007 14:42
Kelley Thorne wrote:"It hones my... writing and acting skills. Yeah!" Perfect excuse. smiley

Not to forget maths smiley
Allison: Roehampton uni, though mainly because its got 4 on-campus bars...
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Jeran Halfpap

Posts: 71
Joined: 29.10.06

Posted on 07-02-2007 15:21
either it is homework, or a fun game called Armadillo Run. or other physics games. i find them here
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Rebecca Swift

Posts: 22
Joined: 06.12.06

Posted on 15-02-2007 09:47
I've been off OMM for some time because I do requests for people on my DA account, but it's half term at the moment so I get a week off school!
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Allison Dollar

Posts: 92
Joined: 28.11.06

Posted on 05-03-2007 20:07
OOh! Thanks to finals and the dentist (I'm actually still numb right now) I haven't been on in forever. I have so much commenting to do! Well, here's the best place to start: my own thread!

Kelley: It really helped my typing. Before I started I could only chicken peck the keys even though I had classes to help type. It's great to have the 'it helps my writing excuse.' I wish I still did it @_@.

Aunty Mor: I hope to always be close to a college class. I just love learning! It does sound like you are busy! =P I do have a feeling that I'm going to be a regular taxi service *shudder* I hate driving though!

Sam: Aww, I wouldn't enjoy that smiley I'm not much of a drinker. But it does sound pretty cool to have the free time smiley 'Specially if the teachers make use of 'em!

Jeran: Physics! I used to like physics but I'm so out of practice. I was so close to becoming an astrophysicist but now besides a handful of facts and logarithms I don't remember much of anything!

Rebecca: Ah! you just reminded me I have some requests to get done. Ah, poo. smiley It's fun, but I Think I'm going to stop doing 'em. Too much work. Hmm. Unless I really, really, really like the people. of course I like people too much smiley
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AuthorRE: So besides OMM...
Super Administrator

Posts: 159
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 07-03-2007 03:18
Um, I usually play computer games, work on random things, school stuff (uber boring), scheme, or eat stuff. Not much sleeping though, I've been avoiding that recently.smiley
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