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The One Million Masterpiece | The Greenroom | Reality show p'raps?

AuthorReality show p'raps?
Super Administrator

Posts: 159
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 16-07-2007 03:34
Hey guys, I recently got an idea for a reality show because of some conversations I was having with people on this site. It started out as a joke when I proposed it to my family, but after a few refinements, it actually started sounding like a really good idea. The reality shows that are on TV now kinda suck (come on, "singing bee"? give me a break, "the power of ten"? old news, looks like who wants to be a millionare + weakest link.)

Unfortunately when I tried to propose the idea to FOX and FOX reality, they wouldn't even hear it because I wasn't represented by official talent, or something like that.

None of you guys would happen to have a name that carries enough weight for me to get in actual contact with them would you? Perhaps a FOX producer has a square? smiley

If not, what is a good british reality show corperation that I could contact, because this idea would involve them as much as it would an american company.

This is a long shot, but any help would be much appreciated.
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