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The One Million Masterpiece | News, suggestions & bugs | couple ideas

Authorcouple ideas
Mikal Schaffner

Posts: 1
Joined: 12.01.07

Posted on 12-01-2007 16:12
When you view the video of how the picture was drawn it is set at one speed. I know there is a fast forward and a double fast forward, but it would be nice to have a slow and double slow. Might be better to let the person choose there own viewing speed by having a slider of some sort.

Another thought that came across my mind is to why there is a section for deleting images. Some might find a few pictures insulting or offensive, but <b>what one finds offensive, another will not.</b> Plus this is a collaboration over the internet so the whole world is involved. Let people add to this collaboration as they wish. If it insults or offends you..sorry, just deal with it and over look it. Anything can be art. If a guy can make a gallery of nothing but blank canvas and sell it for alot of money...some silly offensive material can be art. All in all, just let people add as they wish. As childish, stupid, offensive, or adds to the collaboration.
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AuthorRE: couple ideas
Qian Zhao

Posts: 5
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 14-01-2007 07:05
again, i posted this on another thread. How bout having the final image have a looping playback of all the squares, so that everything is constantly changing, and dynamic. Check the forum "Images for deletion" for my other response.

besides, if in the end, there is a need to print copies of the overall image, you can just do it at different intervals of the playback. That way, different sets of copies are unique.

Edited by Qian Zhao on 14-01-2007 07:07
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