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Artist Name

Steph Haase




London, United Kingdom




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About Steph Haase

Hi, I'm a 17 year old girl living in London, England. I have a growing passion for photography and I love going to small galleries and discovering new and unknown artists. It doesn't take much to keep me happy, just as long as there's some cuddles, sunshine and chocolate! :)

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Candy Floss Clouds

When I was little, I always imagined clouds were made out of candy floss.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 563956 Stephanie Hanks
Tue 18th Sep, 2007
Hello fellow Steph. I like your picture, its very happy! :)
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 8th Apr, 2007
Just stopping by to say hello! -Jason
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Wed 21st Feb, 2007
What? You mean they're not? (Bursts into tears very dramatically!)
Image 483961 Tracey Eastley
Tue 6th Feb, 2007
I still think they are. lol! Lovely picture :)
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Tue 6th Feb, 2007
Lovely pic! Candyfloss brings back many happy memories of fairground fun!
Image 419974 Riekkie R
Wed 10th Jan, 2007
Me too :-) super square Steph!
Image 404021 Louisa Foster
Sat 6th Jan, 2007
its so pretty and everything looks so sweet and sugary..very nice job!
Image 391195 Puppy Lover
Thu 28th Dec, 2006
....I can just imagine the taste in my mouth!I give you a 10/10!
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