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Spencer Hotz








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What lies beneath the surface

Tags : fish sea river water swim danger beneath
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 424777 Benjamin Arthur
Sun 31st May, 2009
wicked nifty
Image 572039 Claudia Catalano
Sat 7th Mar, 2009
really funny, and lovely execution
Image 1002702 Karina Narolska
Mon 10th Nov, 2008
Amazing work:)
Image 1003713 Kathy Brown Whitesell
Wed 24th Sep, 2008
Now THAT'S funny
Image 1003177 Kimberly
Mon 26th May, 2008
I am in awe of you.
Image 562480 Mitico meschino
Wed 30th Jan, 2008
Incredible...many many compliments...
Image 1002307 Matthew
Fri 11th Jan, 2008
wow thats so cool
Image 464771 Jan Patterson
Wed 2nd Jan, 2008
Ahh this is the coolest thing I've seen! That's such a scary idea xD
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